Please click titles to see more informations.
◆About Wakaba
You can see a brief presentation of Wakaba Incorporation.
◆Long-term Care services of Wakaba
Wakaba provide four types of Home Care Services and two additional services.
◆What is the Japanese Long-term Care System?
Tokyo metropolitain government made brochure of the Japanese Long-term
Care System
◆Flowchart: How to profit the System
Procedures for care sevices are illustrated .
◆What is Disables Assistance System?
There is similar system of care services for disable person provided
by The Disables Independant Law.(in preparation)
News about revisions of laws and Wakaba's opinion (in preparation)
Useful links is available
including a few English web sites.
Informations for employment of Wakaba Inc.(in preparation)
◆Wakaba Gallery
You can enjoy
pictures of seasonal flowers and landscapes.(in preparation)